The family and mothers wishes are always observed, with respect for complete modesty. Contact me for the details of this session. Here are a few samples, from labor to the first bath, NICU moments, tender moments between parents to be, its an amazing experience each time I can be there.
My favorite Red Head Patrick
I love this little, ok not so little, guy. He weighed in at a whopping 9 pounds, 6 ounces at birth. He had a head full of read hair and his dad was head over heels the moment he saw his son's chubby face!
The Squid
This child was called squid from the first ultrasound on and it stuck. He is now known as Takeo. This guy gave us a very long wait (32 hours) but he was worth the wait. His dad was so very proud to meet his son!
Baby Miles
Miles decided it was time to come and that he did. I got the call at 2 am, just a few hours before his scheduled 7 am induction. He was born before his induction time, giving us just about 4 hours to get him here. He is a handsome little boy and welcomed by a great family!
Baby Janie
This little over-achiever didn't wait on her due date. I got the frantic call one afternoon - 9 weeks before her due date! What in the world was she in such a rush for.... to give us a few more months to love her pretty, tiny, face! She spent several weeks in the NICU but everything went better than anyone could have ever hoped!

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